Suggestions for making your OS


Suggestions for making your OS

1. Use a linker script.
I had lots of trouble with my kernel until I used a linker script. Basically, the linker script assures that your kernel gets linked into the right order(text,data,bss). Here is an example linker script for a kernel loaded at 0xFF80000(John Fine's bootsector does this). Note that this linkere script is for LD:

python tutorial


Python for Newbies

by HackerVinoth

Python is, in short, a scripting language. It is similar in function to Perl, but to my knowledge is not nearly as popular. To fix that is part of the goal of this tutorial. It is a very high-level language that can perform complex tasks, but is surprisingly easy to learn. Many different add=ons (modules) are available to control everything from MP3s to windowing toolkits (Unix). I find Python to be a just plain fun language to program in, as it is very intuitive and suited to a variety of uses.
Python can be run on almost any platform, from 'nix to Windows. To get Python, first go to, and then download away!
This tutorial is geared towards people who have little experience with programming but know at least something. I make numerous references to languages like C and Perl, which are good to know, but you won't lose much if you  just skip over them.

Cracking tutorial-01

     Cracking Tutorial

                      by Hacker Vinoth

          A long time a go, in a galaxy far far away, a great adventure took ... What, oh sorry, wrong textfile.Let me tell you a little history about cracking on the  IBMpc.  It all started about 11 years ago with an apple IIe. See, I owned one and always wanted to learn how to crack (I was already a good pirate).  Unfortunately, I just never  could get the hang of it.     

Sql Injection


A customer asked that we check out his intranet site, which was used by the company's employees and customers.This was part of a larger security review, and though we'd not actually used SQL injection to penetrate a network before, we were pretty familiar with the general concepts. We were completely successful in this engagement, and wanted to recount the steps taken as an illustration.

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